Staff Position
Media Producer
Media Producers are the storytellers and promoters who capture the essence and excitement of MCOasis through various forms of media content. From captivating videos and livestreams to vibrant graphics and social media posts, they showcase the server’s unique features, events, and community highlights to the world. With their creativity and flair for multimedia production, Media Producers engage and inspire players, attracting new members and fostering a sense of belonging within the MCOasis community. This is currently not a paid staff position and you would be helping MCOasis for free.
What are the responsibilities of a Media Producer?
MMedia Producers are like historians for the stories that unfold in our events. They don’t just create videos; they also interview participants, create maps, and recreate important scenes.
What tools are recommended for Media Producers?
Media Producers should understand how to use Replay Mod and have good experience with media-editing tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects, although this is not strictly necessary.
Is there a probationary period for new Media Producers?
Yes, the probationary period typically lasts a week but can be longer or shorter depending on the case.
How are Media Producers selected and evaluated?
Media Producers are selected and evaluated based on their desire and ability to document our stories, along with their skills in using important software programs.
What kind of training or orientation is provided for new Media Producers?
Media Producers work closely with the CEOs and other Media Producers to construct our media. New Media Producers will be trained by their peers and the CEOs in how to produce our media.
Can Media Producers participate in events?
Yes, however, especially for civilization events, we heavily discourage participation to ensure they can properly document the event.
What are the time commitments for Media Producers?
Media Producers have no set time commitment and can work whenever they like, though they are expected to be more present during events.
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