Ban Appeal

Ban Appeals

Feel that you have been banned unfairly? You can appeal here!

Requirements for Ban Appeals

These are general guidelines, although there may be exceptions to some. Make sure to include each one of these.

Previous Appeals

State if you have been banned in the past or if this is your first appeal.

Past History

You must include your past history on MCOasis. This includes the amount of events you’ve been in, when you joined the server, and other MCOasis related activities.

The Person Responsible for the Ban

If you are able, list the moderator or admin that banned you. If you don’t no who it was, state “I do not know the person who banned me.”

Official Reason Given for Ban

If given, state the official reason you were banned. This appears when you get banned. If no reason was given. State “No given reason.”

Personal Account of Ban

State why you think you were banned and what you were doing before you were banned.


Provide justification of why you think that you shouldn’t have been banned. If you feel you did deserve to be banned, provide justification for why you won’t do it again.

Once you’re ready, create a support ticket to make your request.