Development Log
The development log has posted information about what is currently going on in MCOasis. It can be useful to truly understand what is going on with our next event.
Types of Logs
These logs mark important events, such as finishing large sections, huge blocks, or to mark the running of a finished event.
This is just when you have a brief note in many sectors of MCOasis, usually will say something about what each CEO is currently focusing on.
These ones just have news one particular topic, the topics being conceptualization, building, coding, administration, and other. It usually goes more into depth than a general log.
2 Islands Civilization Event Announcement (8/25/24)
We’ve decided to announce our new Civilization Event, the 2 Islands Civilization Event. We have developed the map to a state where we can show off a small part of it. As of right now, everything is on schedule to be completed. For now, we are happy with our announcement of the next Civilization Event!
New Event Beginning (7/2/2024)
After completing the Lava Rising Event we have now began work on making the next event. We have discussed ideas and now one of the CEOs (Nolan) has began map work for this next event. This event should be a little easier for us to create as it is not as complex as the event being made around this time last summer.
Everything Mostly Done (1/22/24)
We’ve completed almost all of the event after the zombie apocalypse event and we are about the same on the zombie apocalypse event. The development work for it should be done soon and if not then we will be moving to the event after it. Our build team has been mobilized and is making a glorious new lobby for our events.
Huge Conceptualization Breakthrough (11/21/23)
All 3 CEO’s in the background have been working on this conceptualization and now one of our CEO’s (Nolan) has had a breakthrough in the concept of the event after the zombie apocalypse event. This new information will surely make the event after the zombie apocalypse event better. The breakthrough sweeps in with many new strategies and ideas that is re-writing the rules for the event in question. These new rules and design principles are going into place immediately and changing the way we think about this type of event. When the event is announced, you can expect many new changes to the rules than you were expecting. This breakthrough will be remembered by the MCOasis CEO’s for many moons to come.
Some Coding Work Done (Finally) (11/19/23)
Finally, after a quite a while, there has been some progress in the coding department. One of our CEO’s (Eric) has been working with one of our developers to debug and finish the code. One of our other CEO’s (Nick) has been working on advertising and especially new ways to advertise. Finally our last CEO (Nolan), has been working on the website for around the past week. However, Nolan has had less time to work on the map for our next event. The website is nearing completion of Web Phase 1 and as that approaches it means that work on the map for the next event will once again become Nolan’s primary focus.
Just an Update (11/12/23)
We have one of our CEO’s (Eric) currently focusing on completing the code and fixing bugs so more testing can happen. Meanwhile we have another one of our CEO’s (Nolan) focusing on the map of our next Event. As usual our final CEO (Nick) is working on advertising.